NCE recognizes that most Americans don’t have the benefit of a personal retirement planner or a company 401(k) plan with matched employee contributions. Every week we will offer planning tools, strategy and helpful resources and links to the best information out there for employees trying to plan for retirement. Stay tuned to NCE for new retirement planning tools, and retirement savings products. Will will be offering our full members access to these valuable tools in the very near future.
At NCE our goal is to keep you informed about how to work towards a comfortable retirement.
This process involves planning, saving and thinking about the kind of life you want for you and your family in the future. The process of planning towards retirement is extremely rewarding and the tools we offer should make the difficult parts of retirement planning more manageable.
As we roll out our offerings we hope that you will take the time to consider some of the options we plan to offer, and to be active in the organization, always informing us of how we can improve our offerings to assist you. I want to hear from you and you can reach me by clicking CONTACT US HERE Welcome aboard!
An Annuity Can Be a Powerful Retirement Planning Tool.
Most Americans no longer expect that social security will be able to provide for their needs during retirement. How do we prepare for retirement in the modern age?
Early Lump-Sum Withdrawal from a Company Pension Plan?
NCE recognizes that employees are more frequently changes positions in the modern workplace. Often this means that employees accrue pension benefits and that upon the change of job, they have a decision to make about what to do with these pension benefits. Often employees, especially younger employees who can benefit from reinvesting this money in higher performing investments, take a lump sum payment for their pension benefits and re-invest that money in an IRA. Employees should avoid taxes and unnecessary headaches by setting up an IRA and instructing their former employers to rollover any pension money into the IRA.
Delayed Deposits to 401(k) Plans Cost Employees
Do you know when your money is deposited into your 401(k) Plan? Most of us assume that these contributions are paid the same day that paychecks are issued, but often employers delay contributions by days if not weeks. Experts estimate that about 10% of the nation’s small and mid-size employers don’t know about law or that they completely ignore it. This practice of deferred contribution costs employees thousands of dollars each year
This content is reserved for NCE members (either full members or e-members) e-membership is free of charge, click here to join today!Member Only Resources:
NCE Employee Rights Series: Anti-Discrimination Law Basics: This 33 page guide is intended to provide members with a basic understanding of the complex area of Anti-Discrimination Law. The guide provides the Federal sources of Anti-Discrimination Law and details the process of bringing an action for discrimination in the workplace from filing a charge with the EEOC through Federal litigation. This guide also includes helpful forms and an appendix detailing the locations of all EEOC local offices.
NCE Health Care Access Series: Demystifying Health Insurance Decision Making: This 47 page guide gives members a basic understanding of their health insurance choices. It evaluates Health Maintenance Organization plans (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organization plans (PPOs), Point of Service plans (POSs) and High Deductible Insurance with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). The guide includes self-assessment exercises and a glossary of commonly used insurance terms.
NCE Employee Rights Series: Sexual Harassment Law Basics: This 30 page guide is intended to provide members with a basic understanding of the complex area of Sexual Harassment Law. The guide provides the Federal sources of Sexual Harassment Law and details the process of bringing an action for sexual harassment in the workplace from filing a charge with the EEOC through Federal litigation. This guide includes helpful forms, an appendix of EEOC local offices and a brief guide to State law on the topic.
General Resources:
This page will soon become the home of our NCE Trusted Partners Page and will allow you to share your experiences with career service providers with other NCE members. In the coming weeks and months we hope to expand our products and services to provide NCE members with the peace of mind that they are using the best services available to assist them in their career decision making. In the meantime the following government resources should be helpful.
USAJOBS: The official job site of the United States Federal Government. This site provides access to over 17,000 Government Jobs in a variety of areas. allows users to build an online resume for submission to positions.
STUDENTJOBS: The Federal Government website devoted to helping Students find employment. This site provides access to opportunities for students of all ages to gain valuable job experience and training.
Federal Resources:
For People with Disabilities: The Office of Personnel Management has put together this website developed to assist people with disabilities in finding work with the Federal Government.
For all Americans: The White House, as a part of its expanding electronic government initiative, has launched E-GOV, a place where you can find “information regarding the Presidential E-Government Initiatives, the Federal Enterprise Architecture, and how the government is improving delivery of services to citizens through the use of technology.