Big or small, businesses can experience disruption full throttle. Sometimes disruption can put a company entirely out of business thanks to upstarts chomping away at your revenue. Other times, it is smart to evolve and diversify to ride the wave of disruption. Whatever you do, it’s important to look ahead and adjust your small business […]
Video in social media posts get double the views
Small business owners can hugely benefit from ramping up their LinkedIn profiles by posting short videos. For those looking for a new way to do sales, head over to LinkedIn. It’s the most popular online network for B2B. In fact, the platform is an excellent too for driving sales and fostering brand awareness. If you’re […]
Small Business Administration implements new revenue rule, starting January 2020
On Monday, Dec. 9, the U.S. Small Business Administration released its final rule to modify how it calculates annual revenues used to define size standards for small businesses. Published in the Federal Register, the final rule goes into effect on Jan. 6, 2020. What does this mean for small business owners? Let’s take a closer […]
Six Small Business Ideas for Solopreneurs and Small Business Owners
Not everyone is meant to work for an employer, helping to build someone else’s dream can get old quick. Instead, why not turn a passion into a business pursuit? That very idea is why many folks go out on their own, leaving the safety net of big corporations. First off, you’ll need an idea. Then, […]
Why small business owners need to routinely update their passwords
It’s incredible how sophisticated cyber hackers have become. In fact, U.S. businesses have lost more than $4 billion because of cyber related incidents. As small businesses become more and more reliant on mobile devices, it’s crucial to follow best practices of safeguarding your private information and sensitive data. Hackers love to target small businesses, which […]
Leadership gone wrong: How you are driving your employees away
We can’t seem to hire the right people. Could it be us? Yes. It could be. Take a step back and go over the reasons why your previous employees left. And if you didn’t ask, you’re missing out on essential feedback. Employees don’t leave companies, they leave managers. When a small business, like yours, loses […]
Boost small business sales with email lead generation
Sales. It never stops. As many small business owners know, converting leads into sales takes time and a strategic plan. If what you’re currently doing is not hitting sales goals, it’s time to rethink your email marketing strategy. What is email lead generation? you ask. First off, email marketing is a must for small businesses. […]
Get into a positive mindset and tackle the day
Your small business is counting on you to lead the way. That’s quite the pressure, knowing so many things are at play. Success experts have found, successful people have a ritual and it starts in the morning. It’s simple. Set aside time every morning and follow a routine. The results will get you ready to […]
How to book yourself as a guest on a podcast
Podcasts are wildly popular. This means they are an excellent platform to promote your small business because podcast listeners are highly engaged and it’s likely they will remember you. Many podcast hosts invite guests to join their shows. Positioning yourself as an expert to the right podcasts will help you market your small business, in […]
How to fire employees and keep them in your network
Firing employees isn’t fun for anyone, especially for small business owners. But there comes a time when an employee doesn’t have the chops for what you hired them for, or they can’t keep up, or some life circumstance is affecting their performance on the job. Firing with empathy can go along way, and handling the […]