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Category: NCE Newsletter

Crowdfund Your Small Business

So, you’ve got the drive to start up that new business that you’ve always wanted. You want to run things your way or you have a great idea that you’re sure will really take off, but how do you start? Where should you get the capital? Getting a small business loan may not be the […]

Moonlighting on the Rise

Today’s higher cost of living is causing many people to go out and get second jobs. In a 2015 survey, it was revealed that more than one third of people who already have full-time jobs work on the side and of those, more than 90% say that they will continue working the second job throughout […]

6 Important Customer Service Skills

Customer Service is one of the most vital aspects for a business. This comes in the form of both being able to address problems and also to make sales. There are 6 basic skills that everyone in customer service should have. 1.Patience This means taking the time to understand the customer’s problems and needs. This […]

How to Interview so You Get the Right Employee

With the holiday season fast approaching, many businesses are discovering that they need to hire extra help; but once you put the Help Wanted sign in the window and you get some people in that have filled out applications, how do you conduct a successful job interview? In order to hire the best candidate for […]

How to Write a Maternity Leave Policy

When one of your employees is expecting, it can be a stressful time not only for them, but for you. According to a 2008 survey, over 60% of workers had children under the age of 6—and that is a lot of maternity leave. Big companies are regulated under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which […]

Staying On Top: Competitive Small Business

Unless you have a very unique product or service, chances are that sooner or later, your small business is going to have to face some competition. Although the economy is on the upswing, many consumers are being a little more careful where their dollars are spent. In order to standout among the sea of businesses […]

Does a Decrease in Entrepreneurial Activity Show That the Economy is Improving?

Over the last few years the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity—which uses data from the US census and statistics from the Bureau of Labor to map out new businesses across the country—has shown a decreasing trend in start-up businesses. According to many economists, this might show that the job market is getting stronger. Here are […]

Should You Hire Independent Contractors

In recent years, hiring workers as independent contractors seemed to catch on. It allows small businesses to hire a lot of workers without having to worry about things like over-time and benefits. However, this business model seems to be fading amongst new start-up small businesses and there are many reasons why such as creating a […]

The Basics of Web Advertising

Word of mouth can only get your business so far. Whether you have a brick and mortar location, an online store, or some combination of both, a web ad campaign is a great way to advertise your small business with a modest budget. When starting a new web ad campaign, it is important to understand […]