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Category: NCE Newsletter

Three Social Media Management Tools for Small Businesses

A Tweet here, a LinkedIn update there….when does it end? Managing your social media accounts is like trying to tame a hungry — mind you, a very hungry beast. Social media is now a requirement for any business to thrive. It’s no longer a cute thing to do, social media marketing is a must. So, […]

Financially Speaking: Tips for Small Businesses

Being a business owner can be as exciting as it is daunting. The never-ending tasks to keep track of and staying ahead of the competition comes down to one integral thing: financial health. But how do you get there? Consider these four tips for small-business finances. Get organized. This may seem obvious, but keeping financial […]

Now Trending: Three Business Trends on the Uptick in 2019

Trends come and go. In 2019, the business climate will continue to change. Consider embracing these three trends to stay relevant. The gig economy is booming. Perhaps a side job prompted you to go into business for yourself. You’re not alone. In fact, Bankrate.com released a survey and found that 40 percent of jobs in the United States are side gigs. With this in mind, think about how your small business can capitalize on this trend by offering a line of new services. Major companies, for instance, are outsourcing important marketing roles such as social […]

Hiring? Consider These Four Unique Benefits to Offer Your Employees

2019 welcomes a fresh start and many small businesses are looking to hire. While the war on talent will continue to tighten in 2019, there are competitive ways to attract the right talent to your company. That’s where non-traditional benefit packages come in. Heath insurance and retirement plans, while great, are seen as the bare […]

5 Steps to Writing a Business Plan

Writing a business plan can be daunting, especially if you are using it to help secure start-up capitol from lenders and investors. When coming up with your business plan, make sure to remember that you do not have to follow any strict guidelines. Some business plan outlines may have areas that do not show off […]

Gender Equality in the Small Business Workplace

As your small business grows and you begin to hire employees, it’s important to note the issue of gender equality in the American workforce. In a survey released by Randstad US, 78% of respondents reported that everyone should be treated equally despite race, gender, age, sexual orientation, or religion. But the sad fact is that […]

4 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Small Business Loan

So you have a wonderful idea that you are sure you can grow into a successful business, but you lack the start-up capitol to get your dreams on track. The answer for many would be entrepreneurs is financing their small businesses through bank loans. Here are 4 things you’ll need to know before applying for […]

3 Skills Needed for Every Successful Small Business Owner

Many aspiring entrepreneurs know that creating a successful small business will take a passion for your idea, product, or service. It is also expected that starting a small business will take a lot of hard work. But many new small business owners hoping to create big businesses get so caught up in the excitement of […]