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Category: NCE Newsletter

Small Business: Big Opportunity for Immigrants

Since the recession hit in 2008, immigrants have founded many of the country’s start-up businesses. In 2011, 28% of all new businesses were created by immigrants. In fact, almost half of the top 50 start-up businesses were either founded or co-founded by some of the nation’s 40 million foreign-born occupants. According to Jose Paglery of […]

How to Build a Loyal Workforce

A business is only as good as its employees. This is why small business owners should focus on creating a team of driven employees that look forward to coming to work. In order to do this, small business owners should focus on keeping productivity up while continuing to engage with their team by building loyalty […]

Streamlining to Save Time and Money

Learning how to manage your database is the first step to streamlining your company and stop wasting time and money. There are a few tricks that can help small business owners improve their business and all they take is a little know-how and effort to set up. Gene Marks, a contributor to Forbes.com, suggests in […]

Obamacare and the Effects on Small Business

In 2014 Obamacare goes into affect where in small business with 50 employees or more (up to 500) must offer health insurance to all full-time employees. Though many seem to think that this will have a small effect on the nation’s small businesses, those that fall in between 50 and 500 full-time employees may find […]

Cleaning Up Small Business

As the green movement gains popularity in homes across the globe, it likewise is showing up in businesses both big and small. Companies like Johnson and Johnson, IBM, and Nike are all moving toward greener business practices. The benefits of going green are numerous but toping the list for small business owners looking to adopt […]

Big Appearance, Small Budget

The days are gone where good old mom and pop stores run our county’s economy. Now, many people put their trust, and subsequently their money, into huge corporations mostly because big businesses make customers more confident in them. The reasoning behind this logic is partly driven by the conclusion that, the bigger the corporation, the […]

The Big Move: Onshoring

Big and small businesses alike may plan to move most of their manufacturing to the USA as part of the Onshoring movement. Huge companies, like Apple Inc., are leading the way right back to American soil where they plan to invest in US manufacturing and small businesses may do well to follow suit. According to […]

2013: Another Tough Year For Small Business Owners?

With the recent re-inauguration of President Obama many small business owners are looking into the future to prepare their businesses for 2013. In the upcoming year lessening deductions, higher tax rates, and Obamacare are all set to affect the plans of small business owners. Many small business owners are wondering about their personal tax rates. […]

Slicing off a Piece of the Christmas Season Money Pie

The Christmas Season is an important time of year for many businesses. More than 19% of the total retail industry makes 20%-40% of their total yearly income in the months between November and December. There are many ways in which business can make money during the Christmas Season, but no matter what the path, the […]

It’s All in the Name – Naming Your Business

Naming a business is an important part of the start up process. One should consider whether it can be branded and also the connotations a name evokes. The wrong name may hurt a business more than one might think. Business owners should think about their future plans for their business before choosing a name and […]