The NCE supports the needs of micro-businesses. Formed in 1996 by attorneys, former politicians, and business leaders, we have now proactively included a special package of member benefits to supplement all of our efforts.
- America needs small businesses.
- The start-up and expansion of a small business is dependent on free-enterprise.
- The organization’s public policy positions are determined by members.
- To sustain a thriving work environment, honesty, integrity, and the respect for human and spiritual values are essential.
To offer your family a package of benefits competitive to that of the N.C.E.’s, look forward to possibly hundreds of hours of research, and comparing various products and carriers. Each month, receiving a dozen bills for different amounts, due at separate times; why not simplify? With the N.C.E.’s package of benefits, the research is already done. After sorting the scams, overpriced programs, and inferior products, we have narrowed the spectrum to present you with a menu of benefits that is extensive, yet manageable.
Spare yourself the difficulties of purchasing benefits. Once the preferred elements of your plan have been selected, simply enroll, and monthly payments can be conveniently arranged as an electronic transfer or as a single paper invoice. Then, as an N.C.E. member, you can rest confidently knowing we are continuously tracking the marketplace and current trends. You will always have an edge on the latest, most comprehensive and cost effective products available.