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Small Business Seo Tips

Small Business Seo Tips

SEO is becoming very important for small businesses. These helpful tips will boost your SEO marketing strategy this year.
  • Keyword Phrases: Long gone are the days when you could easily get ranked for a single keyword. Now, more than ever, it is important to keep an eye out on the specific phrases that people are using to search for things. This can be done by constantly watching trends in your analytics to see what phrases people are using when they find you in the search engines.
  • Content: It has been said for years that “content is king”. This is, and always will be, true. When people search online, not only are they looking for products, but they are searching for content that is interesting and that provides value. Creating content “fluff” around keywords that offers no value just to try and sell a product is a thing of the past.
  • Mobile Friendly: Mobile technology is becoming more advanced every day. As a society, we are becoming more and more dependent on it. If you are not creating sites that are mobile friendly, then you are losing out on a huge chunk of business. Mobile devices are slowly replacing traditional home computers as the way to surf the internet.
  • Local Search: With websites like Google Places, the way we search is changing. Local search is a very hot topic right now. Whether they wanted it or not, users have had to embrace these search result changes.
  • Link Building: A good link building strategy is a must for getting your websites ranking high in the search engines. The strategy must include internal and external linking. Links can come from article directories, social sites, blogs and video sites as well. Using links in all of these places will help to increase your rankings.
  • Canonical Pathway: By using a canonical pathway domain, you will create a way to avoid unnecessary duplicated page variations in the search engines. By creating a clear and preferred pathway, the spiders that crawl your site will know which pathway to crawl.
  • Crawl Frequency: Content that has not been crawled has a less likely chance of being ranked in the search engines. It is important to monitor your cache logs to see how often the pages on your website are being crawled to figure out if some pages will need to be crawled more often.
  • Photo Alt Tags: Even though the spiders are not able to see photos, they can still crawl the text that is associated with them. This will help your photos to get ranked in the search results for the keywords that were added to the photo.
  • Site Speed: You may not notice, but how fast your site loads can make a big difference in the amount of traffic that you get. If a site takes too long to load, most often then not, a visitor will instantly click off the page and find somewhere else to go.
  • Broken Links: Search engine spiders hate crawling broken links on your websites. Always be sure that the broken links are always taken care of. If you are using wordpress, there is a plugin that can automatically monitor your site for broken links and will let you know so you can fix them.