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Secret Strategies For Small Business

Secret Strategies For Small Business

The following strategies have been used in Asia for 2,000 years for business, politics, and military affairs. The small business owner will find them useful in their everyday dealings with competitive people. Even though markets change and new technology is being introduced to the small business owner every day, people rarely change. This constant has given the cunning business owner an edge in the marketplace and lets them compete on a larger scale.

  1. Confuse your customer’s vision by making it appear something exists, even though it does not. It is difficult to pass this off to the very end however, so you must finally switch over and make sure something does come from nothing. Deception is what strategy is all about, and the small businessman must be cunning in every affair.
  2. Demonstrate a friendly sincerity and lower the defenses of your rival, then secretly devise a strategy to knock them over. This engagement is useful for those who can think a few moves ahead. Hold back your true intentions to the last moment. Concealing a sword behind a smile is always effective when dealing with aggressive people on the showroom floor or in the office.
  3. Depending on how business unfolds, there will be times when you must be resolved to incur damage. In such instances, you must secure a general victory in exchange for limited damage. Do not become flustered in the face of loss, but calmly discern what benefits can be drawn from it. The ancients called this ‘Sacrificing The Peach To Secure the Plumb’.
  4. When a small business owner sees an opening, they must take advantage of it right away. Even if the opening is small, there is most likely some benefit to be gained. Take advantage of these benefits right away, and they will serve as small steps leading you to victory.
  5. Be wary in hiring someone useful. The independent person will be difficult to manage and frustrating to put to use. However, the person who makes a living by relying on the strength of others will seek your assistance. Take advantage of such a person, and manage your opponents, instead of letting them control you.
  6. Everything has a week spot. In life, some things seem so complex that it’s intimidating and confusing to approach. If you find the weak spot and apply pressure, your solution might be simpler then you imagined. Likewise, everyone has an Achilles’ heel. If you strike at that, your negotiations will go smoothly.
  7. If your business has fallen into a stalemate, a good strategy is to reform bonds or attack in a close proximity. Never leap over a nearby endeavour to tackle one at a distance. A distant rival or partner may have different political goals, but you can temporarily join hands with customers or other small business in the area to accomplish your task.
  8. Sometimes a person in a strong position has to be harsh with a weaker person to bring discipline and submission. This is a common strategy with owners and managers in business. When the stronger personality confronts the weaker they will naturally be able to make the latter submit. Always approach matters with a resolute attitude and you will make your opponents and employees obedient every time.
  9. At times you must be modest. Rather then trying to be clever and acting boldly, be silent and refrain from action. Manifest cunning plans inside but not on the surface, and draw in your opponent. Remember, the essence of strategy is deception, and the small business owner is in the midst of those living for profit and gain daily.
  10. Never underestimate your opponent. While you weave strategies of your own in the complex world of business, similar strategies are being unleashed against you and your business daily. Look directly into matters with an objective eye, and carefully apply the correct strategy in a given situation. See reality clearly, and never deceive yourself.