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Books for Small Business Owner’s and Entrepreneurs This Holiday Season

Books for Small Business Owner’s and Entrepreneurs This Holiday Season

If you’re looking for a good present for a small business owner this holiday season, or interested in a good read yourself,  then take a look at the five books below.

  • The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

A favorite book among Japanese business men and a fascinating look into the mind of Japan’s greatest folk hero. Musashi’s treatise on strategy has been applied to every aspect of Japanese society. American entrepreneurs will appreciate these insights from the orient, as they are useful in business and everyday life. Mushsahi’s philosohy was that of winning, at any cost, over your opponent. He explains his hard fought principles on winning throughout the book and brings the reader closer to understanding Mushashi’s secret to success; there isn’t one. If you do business with the Japanese then this is a must read. Good for anyone else looking for something exotic and interesting.

  • A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

If you’ve never read an American history book then now is the time. With all the turmoil going on in the country right now, it’s time to get the facts straight. Regarded as one of the most important history books ever written, Howard Zinn’s People’s History gives you a dense yet exciting journey through American history from the perspective of the people. This runner up for the National Book award is important reading for anyone who wants to understand businessess role in the founding of America. The text reads more like a novel then a boring history book, which makes it a great gift and an informative one.

  • The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

The story of a young architect who starts his career with nothing and rises to become one of the most powerful and important people in America. If you’re an entrepreneur looking for inspiration you will find it and more in Ayn Rand’s classic about independence and endurance in the face of adversity.  Howard Roark’s journey through America takes him from the slums to the creation of entire towns. A terrific story that reads like a political thriller. There aren’t a lot of good books out there that tell a business story with such excitement and power.  If you’re in business and want and inspiring read this holiday season, then pick up the Fountainhead.

  • The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene

One of the most empowering books you will ever read. Something like a history book and a philosophy text, the 48 laws presented  are essential lessons that every small businessman must now. Examples of the lessons you will learn are ‘Win through your actions’, never through argument’, ‘Use absence to increase respect and honor’, and ‘Master the art of timing’. You will feel a lot smarter and more powerful after reading this one. Get it for you or for someone who lives in a very competitive world. After reading this one you will have a better understanding of how successful people tick, and by the end you will have a firm understanding on what it takes to become successful yourself.

  • Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

If you haven’t read a book on economics yet then this is the perfect one to start with. A slim book, yet packet important content on free market economics. The principles are set up simply, then expound into important lessons for businessman and consumer alike. There’s a lot of talk about the economy from everyone in the country. Empower yourself and understand what exactly is going on by reading this classic text on economics. Finding the right segway into this topic is important, and this is the perfect book to do it.