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Google Ad-words – Advertising That Pays For Itself

Google Ad-words – Advertising That Pays For Itself

To make any business successful, it is as simple as having more traffic that turn into buyers than the business’s overhead. Google Ads can help business boost traffic and fine-tune the traffic that visits a webpage so that those clicks become sales; and this is true for both online based and brick and mortar business.

For a pay-per-click ad to turn into profit, you have to make sure that you are first advertising in the right place. A newspaper as that runs in New York for a restaurant in Columbus isn’t going to create a lot of sales for that restaurant. It is the same for online advertising. It is important that you keep an eye on an ad’s effectiveness by tracking the clicks it generates and the sales that follow. If it seems like a particular ad is getting a lot of clicks but your sales aren’t increasing, than that ad isn’t reaching your target area; and just like that restaurant in Columbus, you are wasting your money.

So say that your ad is in reaching the right audience and people are clicking, it is imperative that your webpage be easy to navigate and not annoying to use. We have all been to pages that play music or videos with sound automatically and we all know how annoying that can be. It is a real turn-off to have pop-ups every 10 seconds demanding information. According to marketing professor Patricia Williams, the data shows that pop-up ads are way at the bottom of the list in terms of popularity relative to other forms of advertising. She states, “People prefer newspaper, magazine and television ads. People have a more positive attitude toward the least interruptive ads. The Internet is a place where consumers don’t like to be interrupted.” Like wise, websites that make you go though an elaborate sign-in process just to see the page are also not effective. How often do you give your e-mail out just to see if the windshield wipers behind pop-up are the ones you are looking for? Keep the pages simple, clean, and free of annoyances and you’ll generate more sales.

This approach should also be used for brick and mortar business. People have gotten to your page and the vital information should be easy to find. The store hours, location, and contact number should be on the home page near the top so it is quick and easy to find. After all, you want people in your store spending money and not reading a three-paragraph history on your dog.

Web advertising is a small part of running a business in today’s world; but when done correctly, it can be a powerful tool. Keep track of ad’s effectiveness and get rid of and duds, fine tune advertising so that the right audience is being reached, and keep the webpage easy to navigate and any business will become more profitable.