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Why you should encourage your employees to take time off

Why you should encourage your employees to take time off

Stress. It causes diseases and low employee morale. During the pandemic, your employees are more than stressed ever. Same goes for you, struggling to keep your small business afloat.

But, despite these challenges. You have to look out for number one: your health, your employees health.

Have you thought about taking a day off, but haven’t? Right.

Same goes for your employees who may fear asking to take a vacation day on a Friday, so they can enjoy a long needed weekend.

Vacation time is a much needed break.

So before fear prevents you from taking a day off again, think about this…what would you do if you were burnt out? Seriously, burnt out from work. Well, you could prevent this by allowing yourself and staff to recharge.

And there’s no better way to recharge than to unplug away from work for a few days or a week.

Studies have shown that once a person works 50 hours per week, every hour they work thereafter results in lower outcomes because of loss in productivity.

Translation in simple terms: exhausted humans need a break.

Also, it’s better for your ROI to give generous time away from work for your people. The more flexibility you offer, what you’ll see in return is harder and more productive employees.

Who knew, right. The whole notion of giving paid time off ends up paying small business owners back in gains.