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How to book yourself as a guest on a podcast

How to book yourself as a guest on a podcast

Podcasts are wildly popular. This means they are an excellent platform to promote your small business because podcast listeners are highly engaged and it’s likely they will remember you.

Many podcast hosts invite guests to join their shows. Positioning yourself as an expert to the right podcasts will help you market your small business, in a big way. To secure a spot on a podcast, research ones within your area of expertise and then reach out to the host by email.

You can simply search the Apple Store by categories and find applicable podcasts to your niche. Before reaching out, be sure that the podcast host accepts guests, otherwise you’re wasting time.

Once you’ve tailored your list of hosts you want to target, craft an email pitch asking to be invited on. You will want to customize each pitch, of course, and it helps that you’ve listened to a few shows beforehand to really get a sense of how your personality and insights would connect with their audience. Take some notes of what really stood out and add those to your pitch. It’s the details that will get you noticed. Also, flesh out the topics you can discuss to help the host better understand you as an expert. If you’ve been lucky to have already been on a podcast, include that in your pitch along with your website and any social media accounts. This will allow the host to get acquainted with your voice an personality.

Here’s an example of a pitch letter you can use as a template:

Hello John. My name is [XXX] and I’m a CPA and small business owner.

I’m contacting you because I think I would be an interesting guest for your [Podcast name]. I can share insights on X, X, and X with your audience.

If you’re interested in having me as a guest, I would be delighted to connect with you. If you don’t think I’m the right fit, I understand and wanted to let you know that I enjoyed listening to X show.

Here are links to my website, past interviews and social media accounts. I look forward to your thoughts.

If you don’t hear back immediately, don’t fret. Follow-up within two weeks and you might get booked. Good luck.