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5 Things Every Small Business Website Needs

Homepage Forums General 5 Things Every Small Business Website Needs

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    No matter how small your small business is, be sure that you have a website because customers expect to be able to find information about your company easily online. If they can’t find you, they can find your competitors. In today’s technological world, web presence is king. And without your own website, you will not be at the top of Google searches, making it harder for new customer to even know you exist. While not every small business website needs to be a plethora of information, it is important that all small business websites include these 5 basic elements:

    1) Easy Web Address
    Finding available web addresses is nearly impossible, let alone finding an easy to remember one that will not cost too much money. However, it is important to put some thought into your URL. The longer and more complicated it is, the harder it will be for customers to remember it and find it. Try to keep it simple, relevant, and always try to end in a .com.

    2) Clear Description of What Your Small Business Is
    This should be easy to find and concisely state what kind of business you have. What is your purpose? What services or products do you offer? If you answer these questions, customers that find you online will be able to easily answer if your company fits their needs.

    3) Contact Information / Location
    We recommend you offer several ways for customer’s to contact you such as phone and email. This area should also include your location if applicable.

    4) Trust Elements
    Testimonials are an important feature many websites should have. Actual customers should write these. 90% of online shoppers surveyed report that online reviews influence their spending habits; and while you cannot control what reviews show up on other websites, you can control what shows up on your own.

    5) Call to Action
    This is where you explain what you want your customer to do, whether it is to schedule and appointment, make a reservations, of buy your product, it is important to ask for the sale and provide an easy way for online shoppers to complete the transaction.

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